Vitamin C Complex

(1 customer review)



Natural Food Additive

Blend of berries, herbs, fruits & vegetables

4 oz
1/2 tsp added to any drink or sprinkle on any food. Vitamin C is a natural food. It assimilates immediately into your body, blood & cells. It helps reverse disease & aging, it helps the body produce collagen, it gives your immune system a boost.
Note: CONTAINS NO Ascorbic Acid – Ascorbic Acid is made up of:
• Genetically modified GMO, hydrogenated into Sorbitol
• Sorbitol is oxidized into Sorbase
• Sorbase is treated with Acetone (nail polish remover)
• It is further oxidized with Carboxylic acid which is use to make styrofoam
• Finally it is bleached with sodium hypochlorite ( household bleach)
Camu-Camu Berry – The richest source of naturally occurring Vitamin C on the planet, up to 6,000% more concentrated Vitamin C than citrus fruit
Acerola Cherries – Second richest source of naturally occurring Vitamin C on the planet, plus other nutrients like beta-carotene, Vit-B1, Vit-B2, niacin, iron, phosphorous & natural calcium, protects from free radicals which prevents disease & aging promoting longevity
Rose Hips – They are the fruit of the rose plant & they yield 10 times more Vitamin C than citrus but are used mainly because they are so rich in Vitamin-C Complex nutrients such as bioflavanoids, hesperiden, rutin, enzymes, coenzymes & antioxidants, used for colds, promotes healing & controls bacterial infection
Orange Peel – Revered as one of the best sources of Vitamin C containing a balanced C-complex, contains bioflavonoids, rutin, hesperidin, calcium & all of the trace minerals necessary to assimilate Vitamin C, citrus peels are also one of the highest sources of pectin which has been proven to remove heavy metals from the body
Lemon Peel – A balanced Vit C Complex containing bioflavanoids, rutin, hesperidin, calcium & all trace minerals necessary to assimilate Vitamin C, anti-inflammatory & diuretic, improves peripheral circulation
Coriander Lf (Cilantro) The dried leaf yields five times more Vitamin C than any other herb
Parsley Lf – The second highest herb in Vitamin C & the richest in Vitamin-C Complex flavones
Kale Lf – One of the most nutrient dense super green leafy vegetables, also one of the richest sources of Vitamin C & calcium combined which is necessary for the absorption of Vitamin-C Complex
Strawberry & Raspberry Fruits – Vitamin C super fruits
Cayenne (Habanero) Peppers – A central system catalyst & circulatory stimulant plus one of the richest, most concentrated plant sources of Vitamin C
*This Product has NOT been approved or endorsed by the FDA. These products are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition. These products are made with naturally grown herbs, spices, powders and oils. Please review the recipes and instructions of these holistic herbal formula’s for full knowledge on how to use them effectively and to get the maximum benefits from them. Please consult your physician before use if you have pre-existing medical concerns or allergies. Please consult a physician before use if pregnant.

1 review for Vitamin C Complex

  1. Teri Miska

    I have been using this vitamin C for over a year now. I love it. Vitamin C is so important, and it is important to put only good quality vitamins in your body. So many vitamins are just not worth anything because they can’t be absorbed into your body. Because of the way this is made, and it’s ingredients, it is immediately absorbed into the body. If you are looking for a really good quality Vitamin C, I would highly recommend this.

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