About Us

Welcome to KellysWellness. Let me introduce myself.
My name is Kelly Neider, and I married my high school sweetheart in 1994. We have 3 beautiful grown children and 7 grandchildren.
Back in April of 2008 I remember seeing a picture of myself and thinking,“do I really look like that”?  It was truly a God moment for me because what I saw in that picture was not at all what I saw in the mirror.  It became immediately obvious to me that I had not taken care of myself, I knew it was time to make some changes.  It was clear that I needed to change my surroundings. I had some serious work to do and a lot learn.
In June 2008 I went back to school to become a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach.In 2010 I opened my own fitness studio “Fit Now” in North Branch Minnesota, focused on long term quality of health for all ages.
In 2012 I hooked my wagon to an herbalist and became a student and have now spent over 10 years studying the benefit of alternative medicine, how to make andcreate it.  I continue to be amazed at how powerful herbs are for us and can be used to heal our bodies and minds.
In 2021 we created our Wellness Room; “The Well Room”, a place to retreat and pamper yourself.
My passion today is to serve people at the highest level.  I would love to teach you, empower you and guide you and your family on the benefits of this lifestyle.  Being the best we can be means a 1% shift a day, that is 365% a year.
Thanks again for visiting Kellyswellness.com
Allow us to make a Kingdom Impact In Your Life Today!