Female Formula



A Female Hormonal Tonic

4 Fl. oz./120 ml.
Take 3 droppersful (1 teaspoon) in water or juice 2-3 times a day. After 3-4 months you may be able to cut down to taking the formula once a day. Experiment with the dosage until you’re comfortable. 
Black Cohosh – A phyto-estrogen herb with anti-spasmodic, diuretic & hormone-balancing qualities, female toning compounds that relieve menstrual cramps & uterine disorders; encourages estrogen balance & during last weeks of pregnancy, facilitates childbirth, relives hot flashes, depression & vaginal atrophy; increases natural fertility by regulating hormone production after discontinuing birth control pill. (avoid during first 8 months of pregnancy)
Chaste Tree Berries – An ancient herb widely used for women’s hormone imbalance & menstrual disorders;  balancing of the ratio of the hormones – estrogen & progesterone by acting on the regulatory hormones in the pituitary gland, helping the whole endocrine system to operate efficiently at a “master” regulating level; a  positive impact on fertility (but should be stopped as soon as pregnancy occurs)
Damiana Leaf – A mild aphrodasiac & tonic for the central nervous & hormonal systems; a body tonic & energizer used for nervousness, weakness & exhaustion; as part of an anti-depressant; as part of a hormone balancing formula for both sexes; for delayed menstruation in young girls; one of the most popular & safest of all plants claimed to restore the natural sexual capacities & functions.
Dong Quai Root – A blood purifying, warming tonic with ginseng-like properties, effective for female problems; increases hormone uptake by the body; has a tranquilizing effect on the central nervous system & nourishes the brain cells; possesses nutritive properties for the female glands & helps strengthen all internal body organs & muscles.
Hops Whole Flowers – A sedative relaxant & restorative for the central nervous system.
Horsetail – A silica rich herb that helps rebuild & provide elasticity to skin, hair & nails; useful as a diuretic & tonic for body spring cleaning & detoxification.
Licorice Root – A wide-ranging, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-spasmodic, anti-bacterial herb; extremely valuable for blood cleansing, nerve, endocrine & hormone support; very important for balancing women’s hormones during menopause; effective as a bloodsugar regulant; a healant for gastro-intestinal conditions & an adrenal nutrient. (avoid if high blood pressure)
Peach Leaf – A bitters herb that’s helpful as a female tonic & diuretic.
Wild Yam – A female hormone balancer for fatigue & menstrual problems; a specific for female toning combinations, PMS, menopause, water retention, breast tenderness & headaches; valuable as an anti-spasmodic for abdominal cramping & bowel spasms (Lobelia herb also works well for any cramping – rub tincture on externally); will aid in the prevention of miscarriage & as a tincture for afterbirth pain.
*This Product has NOT been approved or endorsed by the FDA. These products are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition. These products are made with naturally grown herbs, spices, powders and oils. Please review the recipes and instructions of these holistic herbal formula’s for full knowledge on how to use them effectively and to get the maximum benefits from them. Please consult your physician before use if you have pre-existing medical concerns or allergies. Please consult a physician before use if pregnant.


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