Echinacea Plus



Immune Builder

4 Fl. oz./120 ml.
Ingest 3 droppers 2 to 3 times a day
Echinacea Root – A powerful immune-modulating , blood purification herb with anti-biotic, anti- septic & anti-inflammatory activity, improves lymphatic filtration & drainage, increases production & activity of white blood cells against pathogenic organisms, a specific to overcome bacterial infection & toxicity plus rebuild & strengthen immune defenses.
Cat’s Claw – Cleanses the intestinal tract, enhances the action of white blood cells & acts as an  antioxidant & anti-inflammatory, good for intestinal problems & viral infections. (do not use during pregnancy)
Garlic Bulb – Contains many sulfur compounds, detoxifies the body & protects against infection by enhancing  immune function, lowers blood pressure & improves circulation, lowers blood lipid levels, effective against viruses & both staph and strep bacteria, highly nutritive strengthening the body against allergies and&pollutants, supports development of beneficial intestinal flora while killing pathogenic organisms.
Pau d’ Arco – A primary anti-biotic, anti-viral, anti-parasitic & anti-fungal herb, specific for immune enhancement & overcoming  opportunistic disease, an effective blood purifier against many toxic blood conditions.
Usnea Lichen – Contains usnic which is more effective against some bacteria strains than penicillin, found to be effective against staphylococcus, streptococcus & pneumonoccoccus, primary for fungus infection, acute bacterial infection, colds & flu, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, tuberculosis, sinus infection & urinary tract infections.
Siberian Ginseng Root – An excellent general tonic & nutritive herb, stimulating to the circulatory/cardiac system, promotes energy, endurance & balance along with anti- spasmodic & anti-rheumatic actions, specific for rebuilding system strength after exhaustion & as part of an immune rebuilding compound to increase body resistance to disease, effective in lowering blood pressure & cholesterol, stimulating adrenal function & raising sexual vitality, increases mental alertness & work output. (avoid during  pregnancy, if you have high blood pressure or when taking major drug medications)
*This Product has NOT been approved or endorsed by the FDA. These products are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition. These products are made with naturally grown herbs, spices, powders and oils. Please review the recipes and instructions of these holistic herbal formula’s for full knowledge on how to use them effectively and to get the maximum benefits from them. Please consult your physician before use if you have pre-existing medical concerns or allergies. Please consult a physician before use if pregnant.


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