Super Foods

(1 customer review)



A Rich Supply of Nutrition

8 oz.
Two level tablespoons daily – mix with water, juice or blend in a smoothie.
Spirulina – 
Contains protein, beta carotene & nucleic acids. Highest known source of vitamin B-12 with high concentrations of vitamin A, B-1, B-2, B-6, D, E & K. It provides all necessary minerals, trace elements, cell salts & digestive enzymes. It contains high amounts of chlorophyll, ferredoxins & other pigments. Benefits cellular regeneration & reverse aging. Controls excessive hunger.
Chlorella – Rich in vitamins, minerals, calcium & chlorophyll.
Nettle Leaf – Contains vital minerals along with minerals such as iron & vitamins A & C. Potent blood builders & are used for hay fever & allergic disorders. For allergies, arthritis, clears toxins & controls bleeding. Nutritive, builds blood. Improve lung function & many inflammatory conditions.
Astragalus Root – Stimulates the immune system, spleen, liver, circulatory & urinary systems. Lowers blood pressure. Calms the immune reaction in allergies. It aids adrenal gland function, relieving stress. Increases metabolism, promotes healing & energy to combat fatigue while increasing stamina.
Barley Grass – Highly nutritional & a rich source of chlorophyll. Alkalizes the body, stimulates appetite, improves digestion, suppresses lactation, soothes irritated tissues & heals ulcers.
Alfalfa Grass – Rich in minerals, amino acids, vitamins A & D. Anti-inflammatory & cleanses toxins from the tissues, lowers cholesterol & is a diuretic. Very high in calcium. Used to restore health & for debility, anemia, female complaints such as PMS, menopausal complaints & fibroids.
Wheat Grass – A blood detoxifier & purifier. It works directly on the liver to release old medicines, drugs, nicotine, chemicals from food & other toxins. It is alkalizing to the bowel & soothes ulcers & abrasions inside & out. Neutralizes the toxicity of sodium fluoride, containing 70% chlorophyll.
Spinach Leaf – Antidote for lower bowel stagnation, detoxifying the digestive tract & restoring pH balance, soothing intestinal inflammation & providing minerals to repair & maintain a healthy colon. A potent blood builder. High in vitamin A, it is valuable for the eyes. It is a rich source of calcium, iron & vitamin K.
Rose Hips – Controls bacterial infections, promotes healing. Used for colds & is one of the best sources of natural vitamin C complex.
Acerola Berry – A natural plant source of vitamin antioxidants. Naturally contains extremely high amounts of Vitamin-C and Vitamin-C complex nutrients like bioflavanoids, hesperidin, rutin, plus many other naturally occurring nutrients like beta-carotene, Vitamin-B1, Vitamin-B2, niacin, iron, phosphorous & natural calcium. Antioxidants protect you from free-radicals, which prevents disease & aging & promotes longevity.
Orange Peel – The best source of vitamin C containing a balanced C-complex. They contain bioflavanoids, rutin, hesperidin, calcium & all of the trace minerals necessary to assimilate vitamin C. Ascorbic Acid is simply the outer protective shell of the vitamin C complex. Citrus peels are also one of the highest sources of pectin which has been proven to remove heavy metals from the body.
Lemon Peel – Anti-inflammatory & diuretic. Improves peripheral circulation. A balanced C-complex  containing bioflavanoids, rutin, hesperidin, clacium & all trace minerals necessary to assimilate vitamin C. Ascorbic Acid is simply the outer protective shell of the vitamin C complex.
Beet Root – Dissolves & eliminates acid crystals from the kidneys, eliminates blood toxemia which cause varicose veins & builds strong blood by enriching the red corpuscles. Eliminates pocket acid material in the bowel & lubricates the intestines.
Dulse Seaweed – Richest source of assimilable minerals.
Asparagus – A low-calorie source of folate & potassium, high in anti-oxidants; provides essential nutrients. Folate is key in taming homocystein, a substance implicated in heart disease. Critical for pregnant women. High in vitamin C helping produce & maintain collagen, the major structural protein component of the body’s connective tissues. Contains substances that act as a diuretic, neutralizes ammonia that makes us tired & protects small blood vessels from rupturing. Good fiber content. Useful in cases of hypertension where the amount of sodium in the blood far exceeds the potassium present.
Noni Fruit – Helps with menstrual cramps, bowel irregularities, diabetes, liver disease and urinary tract infections.
Allspice – A digestive spice & an aromatic stimulant & carminative for the gastro-intestinal tract. Used to dispel flatulence, gas & indigestion. A flavoring agent.
Carrot – Highly nutritious & cleansing. Used in formulas to address failing vision; aids in liver function; improves resistance to infections; heals internal ulcers & increases red blood cell count.
Cranberry – An alkalizer that creates an unfavorable environment for urinary infecting bacteria. Reduces the ability of E. Coli to adhere to the lining of the bladder & urethra which may be the most important factor in cranberry’s positive effects making it a specific in formulas for bladder infections. A cleansing agent for Candida Albicans.
Grapeseed – A potent anti-oxidant with free radical-scavenging effects; has the ability to increase intra-cellular vitamin C levels; decrease capillary permeability & fragility; inhibits destruction of collagen; prevents the release & synthesis of compounds that promote inflammation & allergies. Use for capillary fragility & easy bruising, atherosclerosis prevention, diabetes, macular degeneration & diabetic retinopathy, varicose veins & wound healing. Referred to as Proanthocyanidines & procyanidins.
Turmeric – An aromatic liver stimulant to alkalize, cleanse the blood, & help dissolve sediment. Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant; wound healing properties. (do not use if  hyperacidic)
*This Product has NOT been approved or endorsed by the FDA. These products are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition. These products are made with naturally grown herbs, spices, powders and oils. Please review the recipes and instructions of these holistic herbal formula’s for full knowledge on how to use them effectively and to get the maximum benefits from them. Please consult your physician before use if you have pre-existing medical concerns or allergies. Please consult a physician before use if pregnant.

1 review for Super Foods

  1. Erika

    I took this superfood every day of my pregnancy and attribute having an incredibly strong and healthy baby so much to this product! I still use it on a regular basis as a supplement and I never get sick, just saying. This stuff is absolutely amazing and I do not go without it in my cupboard!

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