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A Regeneration Formula

Flesh Cartilage & Bone

1.5 oz
Steep 1 heaping tsp to half gallon of water steep for 10-15 minutes. Add honey, maple syrup or stevia for taste.
Comfrey Root/Leaf –
Used for upset stomach, ulcers, heavy menstrual periods, diarrhea, bloody urine, persistent cough, painful breathing (pleuritis), bronchitis, cancer & chest pain (angina)
White Oak Bark –
A strong astringent/antiseptic effective for strengthening capillaries in inflammatory swelling problems, such as hemorrhoids, varicose veins, gums, goiter & internal tumors; normalizes liver, kidney & spleen functions; tones prolapsed organs; dissolves kidney stones & other bleeding kidney bladder problems; helps prevent clumping of tumor cell platelets & thus the spread of cancer. Effective topically for ringworm & fungal sores; as a douche for vaginal infection; helps expel parasites.
Gravel Root –
A diuretic herb; for relief of inflammation.
Mullein –
An anti-spasmodic & astringent herb; effective for respiratory problems such as bronchitis, allergies, congestion, asthma, emphysema & cough; loosens & removes mucous; hemorrhoids; wounds & eczema. Reduces pain & swelling in glands & joints.
Marshmallow Root – A mucilaginous calcium-rich herb to soothe & heal mucous membranes, for skin, lungs, digestive tract & bowel. Used externally on wounds, burns, skin ulcers, boils & to relieve abscesses. A natural fiber to regulate bowel activity & increase colonic flora; effective compress for varicose veins.
St. John’s Wort – 
A strong anti-viral, analgesic, anti-inflammatory & anti-depressant; for control of viral infections, such as staph, strep, HPV & HIV viral strains; for reduction & control of tumor growths, both malignant & benign; for nerve pain control in conditions such as sciatica, neuralgia & rheumatism; & for mental burn-out conditions; effective for insomnia, depression & anxiety. Helps rebuild nerve structure; mild immune stimulation; for topical trauma conditions such as skin cancers, varicose veins, scrapes & burns. (avoid during pregnancy)
Plantain –
A soothing astringent herb ideal for relieving inflammation –  especially for respiratory; for insect bites, skin abrasions, hemorrhoids & diarrhea, as a hemostat to help stop bleeding; as part of a lymphatic cleanser.
Wormwood – A bitters herb generally used to expel intestinal worms & parasites; reduce fever; relieve skin itching & rashes. (do not use during pregnancy)
Lobelia –
An overall herbal tonic; specific as an anti-spasmodic & bronchial dilator. It sedates & relieves spasms.
Scullcap –
A powerful nervine, with wide ranging sedative, anti-spasmodic & calming properties. A specific for nervous system conditions including: insomnia, hysteria, convulsions, palsy, muscle tics, sciatica, neuralgia, Parkinson’s disease, vertigo & others. For nervous tension, exhaustion, anxiety & emotional upset. Useful for treating headaches due to stress & tense muscles.
*This Product has NOT been approved or endorsed by the FDA. These products are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition. These products are made with naturally grown herbs, spices, powders and oils. Please review the recipes and instructions of these holistic herbal formula’s for full knowledge on how to use them effectively and to get the maximum benefits from them. Please consult your physician before use if you have pre-existing medical concerns or allergies. Please consult a physician before use if pregnant.


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